“I have a good one for you! I have worn glasses all my life, as I’ve always been very near-sighted. Every few years my eyes seem to change a bit and my glasses need to be replaced with a new prescription. For the last 6 months or so, I’ve noticed that my glasses really aren’t working very well anymore, to the point that I can’t read the road signs as I drive by.
OK, time for new glasses, right?
Well, this is the good part, I met with my optometrist last week and he ran me through the paces, checking this and measuring that.
He seemed somewhat confused and even asked me if I was the same person as the file he was looking through (this is a new Dr. for me, but I’ve been going to the same practice for over 20 years now), as he hadn’t met me before.
When I told him I was he said, “That’s impossible! There is no way these are the same eyes!” I assured him that these were indeed my real eyes.
Then he said, “Looking through your file I see that you have pretty much been off the charts for many years, with eyesight of around 20/400.”
“OK,” I said.
“So, explain to me why today your eyes are now at 20/50 (R) and 20/100 (L).”
“I don’t know, is that weird?” I asked.
He said, “Weird? I’ve never, ever seen this before. NEVER. In fact, it’s just about impossible for your eyes to change so quickly. What the ... have you been doing in the last year?”
I smiled and said, “Nothing, except for drinking double helix water for the last 8 months.” He hadn’t heard of it, so I explained it all to him. He was completely blown away. He told me, “Thank God this is my last appointment of the day. I need to go look this up! You have totally blown me away.” ...”
— S.H.