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Testimonial related to Congestive Heart Failure & Kidney Issues

Writer: Double Helix WaterDouble Helix Water

“The early part of this year my mother had bronchitis that developed into pneumonia.  The doctor decided to hospitalize her because she has congestive heart failure and her kidneys were beginning to show signs of distress.  He was worried she may go into cardiac arrest. 


During the month of March, she underwent several tests and the kidney specialist said she was not a good candidate for dialysis as her heart was too weak and she probably could not survive the impact of the process. 


The doctor informed my sister and that my mother’s health was deteriorating.  He wanted us to be well informed so that we could make the necessary decisions for my mother. 


“He thought she might not make it more than 6 months ... ” 


He thought she might not make it more than 6 months and while he said he could not for sure say she may not be here the prognosis was not a positive one.


He suggested we put her under hospice care.  All arrangements were made to make what was left of her life comfortable until the good Lord decided to take her. 


In April, I went to visit her. 


“While in Texas, we were introduced to double helix water ... ”


While in Texas, we were introduced to double helix water in which several people had testimonials that it had amazing effects on their health. 


These were people that had kidney failure and for the most part had been under some form of health treatment. 


The instructions were to take ½ cup in the morning and ½ in the pm.  I decided to take it to my mother.  I live in Virginia.  I figured it would not hurt her at all at this point. 


“The swelling was so bad her skin at the ankles began to break. ... ”


She had begun to retain a large amount of fluid in her system and began to be very swollen.  The swelling was so bad her skin at the ankles began to break.  The nurse caretaker and doctor said that was part of the kidney failure and her heart would eventually just give out. 


The doctor changed some of her medicine and strengthened her lasix medicine.  My sister was very worried.  She said mother was asleep most of the day all the time and the only times she woke was to eat and go to the toilet. 


The nurse and Doctor were very empathetic and tried to console us. 


My sister said she began to give my mother the double helix water with her pills and put it into her juices and made sure she drank all of it. 


“She has no more swelling in any part of her body. ... ”


Today, my mother’s swelling has been away.  She has no more swelling in any part of her body. 


She is a bit more active and the nurse has told my sister her heart sounds good and her lungs are also clear. 


My sister said she is not sure if the double helix water contributed or if it was a combination of the double helix water and medication, or; maybe the double helix water just enhanced the medication. 


But, whatever caused the change, my mother is still alive and doing fairly well. 


She is looking forward to her next birthday in November saying she is making plans to have a little party for herself and the family and friends.  She will be 84 yrs old in November. 


I pray she will make it so she can enjoy herself a party. 


My mother has never been one to allow anyone celebrate her birthdays with a party.  This certainly is a change on her part.  My mother is not a diabetic.  She does have high blood pressure and has dealt with it since the 70s.”


 E. B. & E.C.




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Results may vary, testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results. The testimonials showcased on our website are real, and each person has used our products. However, these results are not to be understood as average or typical results, as they portray what the best and most successful clients have accomplished. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professionals. The information here should not be used for diagnosing, treating disease or health-related issues, or prescribing of medications. Please read all product documentation carefully.
Image by Denys Nevozhai


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