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Writer's pictureDouble Helix Water

Testimonial Regarding Neuropathy / Multiple Conditions & Double Helix Water

“I am a 5'10, 200 lb. male in reasonably good shape for my age. I have worked in physically demanding jobs all my life, as a high voltage lineman, underground utility installation supervisor and superintendent/project manager on high rise hotel-casino projects and government installations. I have been diagnosed with non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy and Hairy Cell leukemia as a result of exposure to the Dioxin compound in Agent Orange during the Vietnam war. I have been involved in a variety of treatments for the neuropathy; a typical neuropathy patient is diabetic, and I am not, and am monitored on a regular basis for the progression of the leukemia.


Additionally, I have been taking medication for hypertension since 1977, and the condition has been controlled and current readings are around 130/75, give or take. I also take meds for cholesterol and acid reflux.  Since 2004, I have frequently taken medications for erectile dysfunction. These were the typical Viagra or Cialis. ... I was introduced to the Double Helix water program. I have been using it since then, only having missed a few treatments. The results have been significant. Following are my personal views and reports on the results of the ingestion of this product.


1. Neuropathy: I cannot say that the neuropathy symptoms have diminished or lessened, I can only say that the neuropathy symptoms have not increased nor has the pain gotten worse. My prognosis prior to starting the Double Helix water program was that I would face amputation of my right foot by about now ... and my left foot within a year. At this time, my doctor is not concerned with the neuropathy; he is convinced that it is, at least, in a remission state.


2. Hypertension: I currently take medication for the hypertension condition. I take Lisinopril 20 mg twice daily, two pills per dose; I take Metoprolol 50 mg once daily; I take Felodipine 10 mg once daily; I also take Pravastatin Sodium 20 mg once daily. In addition, I take 81 mg aspirin once daily and Omeprazole DR. My BP has leveled out and the doctor has considered reducing some of the dosages to see if this product is the reason for the improvement in my BP.


3. Sugar: My blood sugar has never been an issue. It is currently between 92-100.


4. Hairy Cell Leukemia: According to research that I have been able to access, HCL is incurable, although rarely fatal, as it is relatively easy to control. At this time, all is well in that department. I had just finished going thru Chemo before starting this water and was experiencing nausea, diarrhea, constipation and overall discomfort and exhaustion every day. My doctor said that this could last up to a year after Chemo. Since I began taking this water, these symptoms have disappeared.


5. General health: I feel great! Better than I have in quite a few years. Although I have been in close contact with a number of people with the flu or a cold, I have not been sick or even felt the onset of a condition. I wake up ready to go, and go all day. Several people have commented that I look healthier, have a better skin tone, and have a "sparkle" about me that I previously had, but had lost over the past few years. Even though I stopped taking my dog for walks a couple years ago, I now take her all around the neighborhood, which is good for her and a milepost for me in being able to walk a mile without discomfort.


6. ... I no longer rely on Viagra or Cialis; I am capable of [being intimate] on a "will call" basis with my girlfriend. ... There is no doubt that it is more than coincidence that this occurred as I started the ionized water [Double Helix Water] treatment.


7. Regarding the arthritis...In 1970 I was in a helicopter at low altitude when we took enemy fire, and the aircraft went straight down, landing on the struts. I was sitting on an ammo can (providing that much more metal between my butt and enemy ground fire) and we hit the ground with a resounding thud. I knew my hip had been injured. The doctor said that I had a stress fracture, and there wasn't much they could do about it, and I was only 20 years old and that I would heal just fine. About 20 years later my hip started hurting in damp or humid weather. Fortunately, we don't have much moisture or humidity in Southern Nevada, where I have lived for over 30 years, but when we do, it can really be painful. Also, in the winter months, with increased humidity and cool temperatures, it will hurt for days and weeks at a time. This winter, so far, I have had no pain at all in my hip.  My fingers have been injured over the years; nothing serious, just injuries consistent with playing softball and working as a high voltage lineman. Arthritis set in on my index and middle fingers of my left hand and all the fingers in my right hand. Since I have been taking the Double Helix water, the pain has all but subsided and only minimal stiffness in my hands and fingers. Since I am on the computer for 4-8 hours a day, I can really tell the difference in dexterity and maneuverability, particularly in my right hand.


8. In 2009, I was put on a regimen of oral chemotherapy for hairy cell leukemia. I was extremely nauseated and had other digestive problems during and after the treatment. With the Double Helix water, my system has progressed to about 80% of normal, and continues to improve. Since I no longer work physically, I do not get the tired feeling one experiences with physical exertion. However, for the past year or so, I was sleeping 9-11 hours a day, and always felt tired. Since the Double Helix water treatments, I sleep considerably less and am not tired or feeling run down. I just overall feel better, and other people tell me I look better, healthier and more energetic.


To summarize, I would say that the Double Helix water therapy has so far proven to be a benefit to my overall health. I intend to continue the program for an indefinite period of time and will provide updates when conditions warrant more information. I think that, reviewing my comments in this memo, my most notable is comment number 5,"I feel great". I cannot look in the mirror and see a discernible difference in my appearance, but a number of people have commented that I look better, so I gotta believe. The fact that I feel better is a wonderful thing to me and looking better is a real benefit.”


— J.D.



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