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Double-Helix Water Explained

Several people have asked me to write a simple explanation of Double-Helix Water. The question is normally along the lines of “Can’t you just write something simple? We just want to know what’s in it and how it works.”

If only the world were so uncomplicated. My reply has been, “I’ve already done that.

Read the first section of Double Helix Water: Has the 200-year-old mystery of homeopathy been solved? I wrote that as the simple explanation of the last fifteen years of our research. Yet that answer has continued to evoke the response, “Yes, we know there is a book, but can’t you put together something shorter – you know . . . something simple – just a few pages?” Not really. One truly needs to read at least the first section of the book to understand the subject. However, I can attempt here to give a very brief summary of the work; though, again, I strongly suggest you take the time and read the first section of the book.

To begin, this research is about water, period. Double-Helix Water is water; there are no additives or stuff in it. It is not a drug or a curative agent (medicine) in any respect. We are not medical doctors, and we want all to know that we make no representations that this water treats or cures anything, period. Our interest and our study have been, from the beginning, to simply develop a thorough understanding of water, strictly from a physics viewpoint.

Now, have numerous MDs joined into the fray to work with us, and are they excited about the potential of this discovery for the good of all? Absolutely, no question. And the long line of researchers who have approached this subject with a sincere and open mind – be they scientists, MD’s, chemists, biochemists, physicists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, homeopaths or the like – have each felt compelled to help in some way.

If you are a rational, sane person and you witness this number of individuals, with their many varied health problems, experiencing such remarkable changes in health, something occurs deep inside you. This is more like a crusade than a research line.

And the people whose lives have been saved or changed greatly for the better – their shoulders show up pushing this forward.

There is something magical about a purpose where all mankind can benefit; and there is just no question that we need to continue the work to know why these many individuals are regaining their health by simply adding a few drops of this water into their daily regimens. However, let’s all be careful about how we introduce this discovery to the world: Do not make claims, please!

This water does not“cure” cancer, does not “cure” diabetes . It does not cure anything. It is not a drug, not a medicine; it is simply water, and if you speak with me or any of the other researchers, we will openly tell you that at this moment we know little about the exact mechanism of this water in the body.

Now, each day we are working hard to learn more, and if you give us a few more months or a year and allow us the opportunity to complete some of our health-related experiments, we should know a great deal more.

But ask us about the physical characteristics of this water we call Double-Helix. We have a ton of information about that. And if you ask us what is “in” this particular water, we can answer with complete certainty -nothing. Double-Helix Water is water – 100 percent pure H2O; there are no added ingredients.

Nonetheless, a valid question arises: How, then, could it do something? What could be the difference between Double-Helix Water and so-called normal water or, say, distilled water? We believe that another “phase” of water exists. What is a phase? It is any of the forms of something.

One phase of water is liquid, one is ice, and another is gas or steam.

We believe (and this has been what we have chased for fifteen years) that there exists a state or phase that contains water molecules which have gone solid at room temperature, that the liquid phase under a particular set of circumstances can condense into a tiny solid particle, and that this particle is responsible in some way for triggering the self-healing process.

Yes, I may sound a bit testy, but please try bringing forward a new discovery that potentially threatens the largest current vested interest on Earth and then talk to me about why hasn’t it been done before. Just read the book – then ask the questions.

It is not that difficult. The first section has no scientific terms. it summarizes the complete track of the research, the difficulties we experienced along the way and gives an overview of the valid, published scientific experiments, all explained in layman’s language. Now, the second section is pretty beefy, as it contains all the published papers and experiments and is definitely aimed at scientists and engineers; but, bottom line, we are not trying to hide something or pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.

We wrote the book to be completely out in the open. We want others to help, and so we ask: Find a comfy chair, take the time, and comprehend our work.

But back to summarizing – here is how it occurred in a very brief look. We stumbled upon a particular water sample while we were working on another project at Cal Tech around 1995. That particular water sample had a very peculiar catalytic effect that I had witnessed while testing it in Santa Barbara, California.

I showed it to one of the scientists and he soon theorized that the effect I had seen had to have come from some type of particle within that sample. What do I mean by particle? I simply mean a small amount of something.

A grain of sand could be called a particle, but the particle we are talking about here is thousands of times smaller than a particle of sand. He originally proposed that there had to have been a particle in that solution I tested that was creating the strange effect I had seen.

One might ask, what was that sample?

Where did it come from?

How did you test it?

I can’t include all that here if you want this to be just several pages, but it is in the book. The story there details how we methodically tracked down this elusive character and finally discovered that this particle was not some dirt or contaminate but indeed was simply a particle that was made completely of water, H2O.

So the next question that comes to most people is, “How in the world could water, the liquid, have a solid particle in it?” Well, to begin with, there are normally thousands of particles in water – all kinds of things, depending on where the water came from, whether it has been filtered or distilled, etc.

But those particles are not part of the water itself; those particles are dirt, minerals, metals, sewage (yep, lots of varied and nasty stuff), since water is very active as it flows around the world and it likes to pick up just about anything it touches.

However, the interesting thing about this first sample, and what started this long line of research for us, turned up when we first analyzed it.

The results said it was fairly clean, basically distilled water with some slight impurities.

But the particles that we found in the beginning could in no way account for the effect we were seeing.

Chapter 2 of the book goes into detail about how we found that particle and how the particle forms; but to be brief here, the particle forms because of some specific pressures that are found around things called “ions.”

Ions occur when stuff comes apart (how’s that for easy?). To give a bit more precise explanation, if you take table salt and put some in water, it comes apart.

Table salt is made of sodium and chloride. When those two elements separate, they become ions. An ion is simply a particle with an electrical charge, and in this case you have a sodium ion and a chlorine ion; one has a plus charge, the other a minus.

Here is how I explained this in chapter 2, again using table salt ions as examples: Think of the plus as a teenage cheerleader daughter, OK?

And think of the minus as the captain of the basketball team. What do these guys like to do? Right – they want to hang; they want to get real close, and, left alone, they will get together. If you are a parent, you know what I am saying – they will get together!

The same thing happens with these plus and minus charged particles of salt. They are slamming into one another, but then the water acts as Mom and Dad and pushes them apart.

This is going on in a millionth of a second (fast kids); they are slamming together and then the wedge action of the water (Mom and Dad) is pushing them apart.

What happens as one continues to dilute – as you take the solution and pour out 90 percent of it and add more water?

The solution will become more dilute; you just shoved a ton more moms and dads into the equation. Now there are heaps of new moms and dads all saying, “Stay apart, stay away, stay away,” and fewer cheerleaders, fewer basketball players.

(Remember you poured out 90 percent of the solution and filled it just with water – moms and dads.)

So the distance between the two particles (the teenagers) becomes greater but they are STILL ATTRACTED to each other. (“Damn, babe, you are soooo cool!” “Yeah, but you in that uniform — OMG! You’re such a hunk!”) I have two gorgeous daughters – been there, done that.

If you continue to do this, there comes a point where there is enough distance between the plus and minus charged particles that there is no getting together. In actual fact, these particles are colliding and the water is constantly pushing them apart.

When the distance reaches a certain point, the collisions begin to miss – the particles are attracted to each other but so many moms and dads push them this way and that, that they don’t connect.

The girl is racing toward her guy and he is racing toward his girl, but they just don’t get together. Too many moms and dads. What happens then, just as would happen to the teens, is they sort of collapse back on themselves.

That is to say, the teenagers would give up. Basically they become single charged particles.

Hey . . . I was attempting to keep it simple using table salt as an example; but essentially what I was saying was that if one dilutes something in very pure water, a process occurs, as you continue to dilute, that creates these small water particles.

Without going into detail, a particle forms, which is made up not of sodium or chloride but of a number of water molecules (a molecule is just a tiny amount of water) that get squeezed together because of some extreme pressures that exist right around the perimeters of the (in this case sodium or chloride) ions; and that squeezing creates a new particle – the one that we have been chasing, a little solid piece of water.

Our scientist had predicted these entire events long before we could measure them. He had written a mathematical model and his set of equations had been spot-on in describing what we would eventually see in the lab, via a very fancy microscope called an atomic force microscope. His math model and all those calculations are in the second part of the book.

Don’t worry, you can read the first part without being bombarded with long equations.

So, here is the scoop: we stumbled upon a water sample; we suspected there was a particle in the water sample; we assumed that something had been diluted in the water and wrote a mathematical model of what would happen if you diluted something to an extreme dilution while keeping all the variables constant.

That model eventually predicted what we found in the lab.

We discovered and analyzed this particle and found that, indeed, it was made of water. From that point in time, this particular particle has led us to greater and greater understanding, not only of the process that we first saw in the lab and then developed into a complete manufacturing line; but, even more so, of how this mechanism may occur in nature, specifically in certain cells.

That research has led us further and further down the path to where we believe that the forming of this specific water particle is not just a random event but an actual “phase” of water.

I like the term genesis phase, as I believe that this phase of water was responsible for the first simple cells on Earth. I know, many will ask, “How do you make that jump?” Sorry, you’ll just have to read the book to get there.

I am sure there will be those who will want to shoot me for saying this particle has something to do with life starting on Earth.

All I can say is, “I’ve been shot at before.” But this genesis phase of water seems to be a basic – very basic – sort of building block of the body; because when you concentrate it, you find it forms a double-helix much like that of DNA.

That is one of the reasons we believe it is a precursor (something that comes before) to an amino acid.

So, hopefully, I have created more interest and you will now pick up the book and read the first ninety or so pages.

Doing so, you will, in truth, get a much better understanding of this very interesting work. It really is worth your time.

Now, please keep this research clean and going forward. Don’t go out there and start broadcasting or writing on blogs that we have found a cure for a bunch of diseases. That will only get us into a fight that we cannot win.

Yes, you can help people; beyond your wildest dreams you can help people. We have seen remarkable changes in the health of many desperate individuals and of scores of people with a wide range of lesser health problems.

This “phase” of water has some kind of fundamental interaction with the immune system, and no downside, since it is water; but there has to be some basic interaction with the self-healing mechanism of the body. WE NEED TO KNOW MORE. Thanks for your interest and support.

David L. Gann is the author of the book Double Helix Water and the Founder of D & Y Laboratories, Inc., which offers research and experimental information about stable water clusters – defined as “nanometer-sized, rigid, ice-like (but formed at room temperature) water clusters that have a measurable polar charge.”

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